Sunday, October 23, 2011

Bettering Business Plans

Thanks to all the research into other production companies, I’ve been lucky enough to learn a good amount of what not to do, as well as things that I, and my company, probably should be doing. I think the biggest one that we’ve learned from is in the marketing aspect, and how to promote ourselves. A lot of the companies I’ve researched and looked into have had unorthodox forms of advertising for themselves as well as unique ways of getting their name out there. For long we only utilized social media advertising and some print/flyers for advertising. Instead we’ve started building a strong word of mouth campaign that has attracted us many clients. We have also taken to doing spec commercials as well as contests to build more of a reel as well as having commercials for larger brands.

I think our approach to how we produce videos is what is most appealing to the potential investors. We have a simplified work flow, and it is our unique factor. An investor reading our business plan will see that we optimize and make the most use out of what we are given. I think that our practicality will show any potential investors that all of their investment will be utilized and not wasted. We pride ourselves in our work flow and synergy between us, and we can and have turned out quality projects on a dime, and in a timely and professional fashion. We honestly feel that a guarantee of a quality project for little to nothing will entice investors to see what we can do with a budget and a greater means to produce something. We’ve worked below our means for a while now, and we have been working towards taking that next step, and we’ve always felt that as long as we put in the time and work, that future clients and investors would notice and give us the chance we are looking for.


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Business Plans

For an investor, a business plan gives a sense of direction and focus for the company.

Donald Trump mentions that with a business plan you will know where you are going, what you are doing, and how you will get where you want to be. Donald Trump started off in a military academy at the age of 13, and graduated with a degree in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania. From there, he went into the real estate industry where his father was and began his career there. Now he is a billionaire and even has a television show about the workings of a business.

Oprah Winfrey notes that it makes you recognize the the tiny things that are usually overlooked and the what-if scenarios. Oprah Winfrey made her fame with “The Oprah Show” and in its first year had a profit of $125 million. She took over the show from ABC with her own production company, Harpo.

Some of key components investors are looking for in a business plan are:

The Executive Summary- Who will be running the company? A person with a Master’s background in the same field will look more appealing than a person who is just jumping into the field that he has no credibility in.

The Product- What is it that the company is selling exactly? It should be something that stands out and can be marketable, as well as not to offend any persons of any specific group.

Financials- You must be able to show how the business should do financially, because in the end, investors really only care about making money. If you’re in a field where 99% of the companies don’t make money, you have to be able to show why your company is capable of making the money.

Presentation- The business plan should be free of any errors. This includes spelling and grammatical mistakes, as well as information. The last thing you would need is a statistic in your business plan be wrong that you thought made your business look successful. You also want to keep the business plan relatively short, because investors are busy people and shouldn’t have to deal with a 100+ page document. A good length is around 20, and it shows you put some thought into your plan.
