Sunday, January 23, 2011

Travel Show in New Orleans

Earlier this month, I was contacted by a fellow Full Sail Graduate from the Digital Arts & Design program about a project in New Orleans. Usually at first, you start to think, "Yeah, right. This is just something that'll get my hopes up or I'll have to do for free." But the more and more of talks that went on, the more I realized that this was going to be something worthwhile.

I had to submit a budget proposal because there were other local companies submitting budgets as well. The decision came down to having the reference from the graduate who now works for the client. I was excited when we got contracts signed and money put into our company account. We set out on our 10-hour road trip to New Orleans.

Currently I’m in the hotel that we’ve been staying at for the past couple days. Today was our first shoot day and it went pretty well. It’s awesome seeing a new city, especially one with as much history as this place. For the next few days we’re going to be going to different parts of the city trying out food, drinks, seeing stuff made, watching music/street performers and meeting all the locals and fellow tourists.

We did run into one problem today where an audio cord got yanked on and it completely ruined the wire inside the cabling, which made getting 2 channels of audio from our lavalieres impossible. It’s not exactly a common cable either, so you can’t just walk into Best Buy or Wal-mart and buy one. We have to wait for an online order to be shipped, which by that time half the shoot will already be over.

Hopefully no other mishaps happen and the rest of the shoot goes over well. Tomorrow.. the French Quarter :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

RED Scarlet Hands-on

I recently read an article on Engadget about how the author, who is a huge RED fan, got his first hands-on experience with the up-and-coming RED Scarlet 3K camera. According to the article, he got a glimpse of how the prototype was a year ago. It was in a very early stage and didn't function anywhere near how it was supposed to. But now they have a working prototype that gives a look of where the digital end of the film industry is headed.

They haven't announced final prices or anything, but this 3K camera, which performs better than all Full HD cameras out now is expected to be in the $6,000 price range. This allows even the cheapest of budgets to get cinematic quality grade imagery for the fraction of the cost of what cameras have been for the past few decades.

Although RED has been a better marketing company than they have been a camera company, with their long development cycles, they really are the forefront for the digital end of the media industry. They were really the first ones to step up and say, "We can give you better and give it to you cheaper."

Something I've been following and interested in for the longest time has been the film-to-digital transition. There will always be the split between the two types of film makers, and at first, film-sided people did have their advantages, but with the progress of digital, it has almost certainly passed it in every single aspect. Bigger sensors providing more fidelity than film can, and the film-look being easily duplicated through software, it almost makes no sense to have the film side involved, especially when you have to do the conversion process to bring it to the digital world.

In the end it's all pixels, and it's all digital.
